We aim to enrich the community through summer programs, expanding the word about small businesses, donation activities and community involvement.


Our Mission


Our mission is to combat adversity in the community by providing resources and academic support to current and future generations. We believe that education is the key to success. By providing parents with the resources they need to become successful we will enable our communities to become self sufficient.


“A happy and healthy community is not a fairytale. All you need is a seed.”



When we support small businesses in our communities we are giving back. Its important for everyone to understand socioeconomic value and how it effects our lifestyles. “We don’t have to be rich, but we should strive to live decent.” - Danielle Williams

Our kids are our future. The parents are the guiders. We want to provide parenting support within our organization with tips on healthier affordable eating and how to be more organized with sleep and family time.

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Children are the future…

Lets build a stronger community for them!


Our Beginning

Creating Our Community Enrichment Program was created July 2014 as a result of Danielle Williams’ research on poverty in Dallas. The research was later presented to the Chamber of Commerce and from this the 501(c)3 nonprofit was born. There are so many under privileged children and adults living in major cities. Providing a safe haven for learning, career development and family support are some of the elements C.O.C.E.Program has to offer.



According to Forbes, there were 3.6 million job openings and this percentage of available jobs were never advertised.


While only this percentage were called in for an interview out of the 20% that was available to the public.


Of people are uncomfortable negotiating salary.


With an increased cost of living its important to utilize and create new job opportunities to support you and your family. Saving and investing are ways to secure your future. We want to provide the community with professionals that will give you the tools you need to be successful.

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Everyone deserves to live decent, lets build together.


Get Involved

We want everyone from the community to pitch in. Pitch in time, donated clothes and care items, participate in community events…be public speaker on topic at our next event. Every person is important and has a lot to contribute. When you make time for your community you help enrich it for the future generations. Lets continue to plant positive seeds for our communities.

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